Welcome to Genius Blogging - a blog that helps bloggers to build a successful blog.

My name is Jamie Evans and I am a part time blogger that is working on creating a living working from home. I have been blogging for over a year. I have worked on many blogs and learnt a lot about making the most of blogs.

From Hobby to Career

A little over a year ago I came across an article about blogging. I didn't know at that time that blogging is a massive market to readers all across the globe. As I read on and on about blogging that night I decided to give it a go. Within 24 hours of reading different articles and created a blog. I picked a niche that interested me, which was music. Gave it a go and found myself enjoying learning about blogging that I did writing my own blog. So this is how "Genius Blogging" came about.

As my blog has grown in popularity and I have begun to generate an income, blogging has grown into an obsession where I hope to pursue it as a full-time career. I cant think of anything more that I enjoy that to write and build my blog.

Why read Genius Blogging?

This site is extremely dedicated to helping other bloggers achieve blogging success. My aim is to create a blogging community to learn the skills of blogging and what it entails. Sharing own experiences is vital to key success. I like to share my own experiences to help people learn from them. I am sure you have experiences that I can learn from too.

I started this blog back in March 2013 mainly because I wanted to keep a record of my own research and what I was learning about.

If you would like to know more information about Genius Blogging then feel free to get in touch through my contact page.

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Please stay in touch with what Genius Blogging has to offer. Feel free to connect with me on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn if you are active on these networks.

Happy blogging.