Friday 12 July 2013

Welcome to this amazing post about search engine optimisation. Sit back and relax and take a deep breath before you indulge your mind into this tremendous post about everything you need to know when beginning your SEO success. Have I got your attention yet? Good. In this really long post I will explain the basics of SEO. Understanding how SEO works and how you can improve your knowledge and achievements in this area of expertise. Why am I such an expert? I hear you say. Well I technically am not an expert but have had some success with other blogs and websites that have ranked well all through my own learning and practical tests. Which is why I am going to share this with you in this post. I will cover everything that you will need in order to succeed. This post has been in the planning for a couple of weeks before I wrote it and wanted to make this post, the best one I have wrote so far. I really hope you enjoy it.
I would like to start off in this post by explaining what SEO is, how search engine optimisation can help you and how it can improve your success in the online world.

What is SEO?

Search engine optimisation is the process of improving the amount of traffic that you receive to your website. Another thing to take in to consideration is that the earlier the site is presented in search results, or to put it another way the higher to the top of the search rankings the site is, the more searchers are likely to visit. Lets be honest, when we all search for something, we never tend to search through more than one or two pages. This is why its crucial to make your way to the top of the rankings.
SEO is also targeted by such things as image searches and niche specific search engines. The best thing to do here is to try and use unique royalty-free images that can help boost your rankings.

If your looking to learn a little more and want to know how a search engine works, why not check out this short great post: How does a search engine work?

Why do I need SEO?

Now we know what SEO is, I will explain why your website needs SEO. You can explore the internet and find many articles and reason why you may not need to incorporate search engine optimisation into your sites but on a realistic form, you DO need it. SEO provides you with wonderful opportunities and achievements when performed correct.

One major thing to take into consideration which we brushed past quickly in the "what is" section of this post is traffic. Increasing the traffic to ones site is a big task for anyone. After all we don't produce websites or blogs just for ourselves do we? We want people to come and visit. SEO plays a major factor in improving traffic. Improving traffic is another factor as to how much money your sites make. Your website is the first thing your readers or customers are going to come in contact with about you online. It can generate leads and attract potential clients, investors and partnerships.

SEO builds you a reputation. SEO can make your brand stronger. When people search for something in your area of expertise with the relevant keywords used. When you are found at the top of the first page, this immediately says that you are trustworthy and readers think that you are the best out there.

These days, everybody “Google's it”. If you’re there, right on top of the SERPs (Search Engines Ranking Page), it goes a long way in boosting your credibility.

Is SEO important?

Well judging on what you have just read, in my opinion it is a major factor into achieving online success. It only increases your conversions and page views. On the other hand, nobody said SEO is easy to learn and takes a lot of skill. Some processes are small and can have massive rewards, but there are some technical processes that require a lot of skill and I would recommend you seek a professional. Although this costs money, it is known as a remarkable investment. With that in mind it doesn't matter if you are learning the basics. These can be implemented by yourself and can still have some major benefits.

After discussing the last points made about how search engine optimisation works and how it is useful, I am going to move on to show you how you can implement SEO into your website. There are a few things you can do to increase your rankings higher. I will go through each process carefully and detailed in order to aid you in your quest for rank domination!

What can I do to improve my SEO?

There are a number of things which we will discuss, some of them could be minor tweaks to what you already have, some can be very tricky and I will do my best to describe them to you. If you do have any questions about what is in this post, you are more than welcome to contact me here.

Search engine submissions

Pretty much everyone who uses the internet uses one of the major search engines; Google, Yahoo or any other popular ones like Bing and Ask. These popular search engines find a drastic amount of information in a matter of seconds. For every search, the search engines return relevant results in two categories: free and sponsored links. The main objective here is to have a good ranking on the free search as it gives great exposure and of course its free!

The search engines have a way to find new websites, however, them finding your newly created site might take a while. To get listed on free search results faster, you may submit your site to the most popular search engines and invite them to index your site in their results.

This is great for search engines to find you quicker. It can only lead to more positive flow in traffic. Especially if your site is new and has only been running for a couple of months, its a great way to get exposure and takes minimal time.

Here are a few of the popular search engines that you can submit your site to:


Understanding keywords

A great way to improve your SEO is through your knowledge of keywords. These are the "words" targeted at what your website is about. Your main aim is to determine which search phrases you wish to have your site targeted in the search engine results page. Once you have these determined, it may be wise to add these in your content, permalinks, relevant picture names and meta tags on your site to have a successful SEO process.

What are keywords?

The keywords are the most important words that your visitors use to find your website or blog. The visitor will type a keyword (or a combination of keywords) in the search engine and will get a list of results. In order to have your website displayed by the search engines on a specific search phrase, the search engines should "believe" that your website is relevant for this search phrase. To make your website relevant for a certain keyword you need to choose them carefully and to use them wisely in your website content and meta tags. Be sure to choose your keywords carefully to fight away the competition of gaining the highest rank in search engines.

Will updated content improve my SEO?

Quality unique content can improve your SEO more than anything else. Nothing even comes close than having more and more updated content. So if you have a website for your business, the best thing for you to do is to create a blog and keep up to date with the latest news in your area. Not only will it improve your rankings in search engines but it can increase your sales too. This is generated with more and more exposure your site gets. So why not add a blog?

Don't forget to add headings and subheadings. Search engines love these and its also easy on the eye for the reader. Try not to have constant writing, try and break it up a little.

Regular updated content is viewed as one of the best ways to improve your search relevancy, so be sure to routinely add new content. Want to know more about generating new content? Check out this great post: Generating great qualities of blog content.


I hope you have enjoyed reading this although I said it was going to be long. I really hope you have learned something. Keep informed on the basic use of Search engine Optimisation. These things I have covered today are merely just the tip of the iceberg. Within due course I will be elaborating on a lot of what is covered. If you have any questions or comments about what you have just read, please leave a comment below and I will reply back to you. Thanks for reading and put these things to the test and dominate your presence in the search engines.


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